Five questions to A.K.Bender

Five questions to A.K.Bender

A.K.Bender, 34 years old, started painting in 2021 as an autodidact during lockdown in Ireland. Since then, she has been improving her style of painting and started including natural materials such as sand, dried seaweed and discarded fishing ropes into her paintings. She lives on the Irish East coast where she gets most of her inspiration from the sea. 

Since when do you paint and what are your favourite motives?

I started painting 3 years ago and usually my motives revolve around the sea, this can be either in the form of colours or shapes.

When you create a new work, how do you proceed? What comes first?

I first choose the flow of the painting, then I add a first layer of colour and add details as a last step.

From what do you get your motivation?

Living on the Irish coast and experiencing the everchanging weather and landscape on a daily basis is always my motivation and inspiration to paint.

Your life without art would be...

... less free.

What is the best art place in your city at the moment?

Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), which holds one of my favourite paintings “The Night Crow” by Paula Rego.

Learn more about the artist:

