Five questions to Alexia Briones

Five questions to Alexia Briones

Five questions to John Petschinger Reading Five questions to Alexia Briones 2 minutes

Alexia Briones was born in Barcelona in 1979. She studied in Massana school of art, developed her skill with japanese painting masters, like Thalia Lehavy, in London and lived in southeast asia for many years. She currently lives and works in her hometown of Barcelona.

How did you get into art?

I have really been painting  all my life, but after the pandemic and a serious personal crisis, I felt it was time to choose art as a career.

How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?

Spiritual expressionism would be a way to put it. All my work stems from a spiritual connection to nature and the unseen worlds. I use, when possible, what I call “live water” - that is sea, river or rain water. All the materials I use are as natural and untreated as possible. And all pieces are created after deep meditation. 

How do you go about developing your work?

Most of the ideas or inspiration for a body of work come to me in dreams or meditation. Then tons of studio time is spent in the practice of taking that idea as further as possible. Trying to get as close as possible to the image I have in mind, what initially came to me.

Who or what influences you?

Miró, Hilma af Klint, Suzan Frecon, Motherwell and traditional shodo and suiboku-ga japanese painters to name a few.

Make us curious. What are you planning to do next?

I have a series of solo exhibitions coming up, Lisbon, Granada and Barcelona, which is very exciting. Also, as we speak, I’m in the development phase of a new body of work; a series of big pieces that aim to be objects of meditation in themselves stemming from my yogic and spiritual education.

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