New & Abstract Talents

Open Call for participation GROUP SHOW #9

Winner of the first New & Abstract Open Call 2024: Lilian Mühlenkamp

Exhibited in GROUP SHOW #4 31.10. - 28.11.2024 at New & Abstract Showroom Berlin.

Lilian Mühlenkamp's abstract works on self-framed large-format canvases explore the controlled free flow through a lively technique of applying paint. In her creative process, the tension between aleatory (accidental) and openly creative moments that invite chance and the precise guidance of the material is omnipresent. Just letting the paint and water flow would not be challenging enough. Creating something from it, shaping it, framing it and “communicating” with it is the most interesting part of the act of painting. 

“My art form avoids clear and unambiguous points of concreteness, or any identifiable parts. Rather, the main aspects and aspirations lie in working with the material and the (im)balance of abstract forms and figures inspired by my syneasthesia. Nevertheless, the living movement of water and the reaction of absorption and flow is always visible.” Lilian Mühlenkamp