Save the date: GROUP SHOW #8 starts on 20 March

Save the date: GROUP SHOW #8 starts on 20 March

GROUP SHOW #7 on view until 13 March Reading Save the date: GROUP SHOW #8 starts on 20 March 3 minutes

We are pleased to announce that GROUP SHOW #8 will start on 20 March at the New & Abstract Showroom in Berlin. As guest curator, Otto Baum will organize the “New Perspectives” section and present seven Berlin-based artists. Otto is part of the artist collective KLUB7, which has stood for large-format murals and performances in public spaces for over 20 years. Their works, which combine graphics, painting, abstraction and figuration, have been exhibited internationally. The synthesis of individual styles has resulted in her playful, handmade group style. Otto himself is known for color-intensive, complex, highly aesthetic murals that he creates using his specially developed “Ottotools”.

We are looking forward to his point of view as an addition to our current GROUP SHOW #8.

Katrin Adler
Günther Brandl
Birgit Egen
Aly Harte
Theresa Kraft
Mary Poznanska
Mayte Yagüe

New Perspectives Section curation by Otto Baum

Christian KERA Hinz |  Kitra | MMACHINE | Karolyn Morovati | Steffen Seeger | Tomislav Topić | Various & Gould | Otto Baum


Opening: Thursday 20 March, 6 – 9 pm

Exhibition: 20 March  – 17 April
Wed - Sat 2 - 6 pm and by appointment
Mollstraße 1, 10178 Berlin


Katrin Adler

Günther Brandl
Birgit Egen
Aly Harte
Theresa Kraft
Mary Poznanska
Mayte Yagüe
New Perspectives Section
Christian KERA Hinz
Karolyn Morovati
Steffen Seeger
Tomislav Topić
Various & Gould

Otto Baum

Instagrammable art goes real
Every five weeks, a new GROUP SHOW opens in the new New & Abstract Showroom in Berlin-Mitte and presents the most relevant works from the wealth of interesting positions shown on Instagram.

Between Alexanderplatz and Soho House - at New & Abstract at Mollstraße 1, visitors can immerse themselves in 100 square metres of art and meet the international artists in person at the exhibition openings. The Pop-up concept is inspired by Berlin's club culture and provides for future temporary presences at various exciting locations in the art metropolis.

Mollstraße 1 - creative vertical village
The New & Abstract Showroom is part of the exciting interim use project Mollstraße 1, which creatively utilises the former building of the ADN, the General German Intelligence Service of the former GDR, at the intersection of Mollstraße and Karl-Liebknecht-Straße (opposite Soho House) until its upcoming renovation. Covering 15,000 square metres and ten floors, the building is currently used by almost 110 people and companies from the creative industries.