Theresa Berlin
Theresa Berlin describes her work as a journey into the unknown, guided by intuition. The process begins with the application of layers of colour and often also with the addition of pieces of paper, which she tears up, places on the canvas, paints over and partially exposes again. It is an inner dialogue, with an open end and unexpected twists and turns.
"My work results from this process of arranging, exposing and concealing, from working with color and from arranging different shapes and forms.
It is about unfolding and protecting, about relevation and hiding, about illuminating certain parts, dimming down and protecting others. Sometimes it is very lighthearted and easy, then on other occasions this inner process feels more heavy. Still by going through the heaviness helps to leave it behind. During this process I feel secure and protected and it is great to have this unique world of colors and forms for myself.
And I want to invite the observers to discover their own inner images when they view my work"