Five questions to Mark Brightman

Five questions to Mark Brightman

Mark Brightman was born in south east London in 1972, he escaped the city a few years back and currently lives and paints in a village called Pebmarsh which has a pub and a small shop. Mark describes it as his “sanctuary” and claims that he is voluntarily becoming more agoraphobic by the day!How did you get into art?

I’ve always had a creative mind and have splattered that creativity in all directions over the years, I’ve played the drums in bands, I had my own studio for years and made music and wrote songs, had my own band, expected to be a rock star. I’ve done live creative for the likes of Iggy Azalea, Jack Garrett, Ben Howard, Jessie J and more. But in terms of painting, thats a relatively new medium for me. I started painting at the beginning of lock down in a vain attempt to remain sane and find a more productive use of my time than drinking red wine and shooting my mates on line in the Warzone 🤣.

Its proved to be very addictive, therapeutic, meditative and exciting. 

How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?

Naked, raw, naive, visceral and honest.How do you go about developing your work?

For me it’s a reactive process, emotional. I honestly never know whats going to happen and I like that. Who or what influences you?

My mood and state of mind is the biggest influence on my paintings, closely followed by the music I decide to put on which is entirely influenced by my mood and state of mind! Other artists that I love are Ian Rayer Smith, Robert Del Naja, Basquiat, Jake Wood-Evans. 

Make us curious. What are you planning to do next?

I want to experiment with working on metal sheets and using chemicals, burning and scraping in conjunction with the paint. Learn more about the artist:

