Five questions to Kyte Tatt

Five questions to Kyte Tatt

Kyte Tatt is an American-born mixed media artist based in Berlin Germany. Kyte has been honing his skills as an artist for many years. It was in 2015 after relocating himself to his beloved Berlin, that Kyte began painting. A natural autodidact and creative, Kyte quickly developed his visual language as a painter. Having lived and traveled in a caravan in the USA for nearly a decade before his move to Europe, Kyte was in primary involvement in several art communities and projects there. The culmination of his work and experience result in his work today.

How did you get into art?

I wouldn't say I got “into” art. I have always been a creative person from as early as I can remember. I think that over time, my creativity has only refined itself and become more focused.


How would you describe your style? What makes your art special?

I would describe what I do as gestural work that skirts the borders between abstraction and representative. It's a  delicate balance of chaos and order. I use expressive and energetic marks that demonstrate an immediacy and power that reflects that of nature. Look once and you find violent brushstrokes and broad movements, look again and find poetry.

How do you go about developing your work?

My work is primarily intuition driven. I have developed a methodology to create my pieces, however, within that framework I can impulsively make marks and see what the painting want s to become. I really don’t ever set out with any kind of direct idea of how I want it to look in the end. That all develops organically as I work.

Who or what influences you? 

I draw most of my influence and inspiration from nature. However many great artists have also left their mark on me over the years. From Twombly, to de Kooning, to Rauchenberg. Just to name a few.

What are you planning to do next?

I am currently working on some patchwork canvas pieces, creating monochromatic works, different presentations of canvas and paper, and experimenting with new materials. The developments are endless and I am also looking forward to finding out what is next.
