Five questions to Mau Samayoa

Five questions to Mau Samayoa

Mau's work is made primarily with paper, which he uses to create abstract structures on the surface using surgical-like techniques. He studied visual arts and art restoration at the National University of Arts in BuenosAires, Argentina and lives and works in Birmingham, UK.

How did you get into art?

Since I was a kid, I had always known I wanted to be an artist. I started experimenting with photography when I was around 10 years of age and I haven’t stopped since then.



How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?

Repetitive, precise, intricate. I think what makes my work special is the universality of my visual language.

How do you go about developing your work?

It all stars with a bunch of numbers on a piece of paper and then I try to translate that onto a sculpted piece of paper.

Who or what influences you?

I feel influenced by seeing other artists work on their art with passion. Visually speaking, Agnes Martin, but vaguely. Most of the inspiration comes from music and people watching.

Make us curious. What is planned next?

I am planning a series of large format sculpted pieces and drawings. Potentially, I’d like to produce a number of paintings using medieval techniques for egg tempera.
