Saara Mesterton art work is influenced by Bauhaus modernism and foremost by the colour thinking of Josef Albers. The 1958 born artist lives and works in Kerava, a small town close to Helsinki.

How did you get into art?
I was born and grew up in a small town Kuhmo well-known for its International Chamber Music Festival. I became a music student and I went to Rome to study italian vocal music. Italian visual culture and visual artists I met there had a huge impact on me. When I returned to Helsinki I turned from my musical studies into visual arts.
How would you describe your style? What makes your work special?
Colour plays important role in my paintings. I move between abstract and figurative. Recognizable spaces and shapes are created from different colourfields. I work hard to find the right tone and value to each colour. Although my paintings are quite abstract, they are based on a message or a statement. I always work with a problem or an idea that bothers me.
Recently I started to use variations of my paintings using AI in collaboration with Hannu Töyrylä.
How do you go about developing your work?
I paint a lot and do all kinds of experiments and sketches. When I start a new piece, I have a pretty good feel for what I want to achieve and say with this work.

Who or what influences you?
I walk in nature, listen to classical and contemporary music, however never while painting. I go to concerts and exhibitions, and I read a lot.
Make us curious. What is planned next?
I have started a joint project with researcher and AI artist Hannu Töyrylä on themes related to cultural history.