Until end of February at PalaisPopulaire: Spanish female artists from 1960 until today

Until end of February at PalaisPopulaire: Spanish female artists from 1960 until today

Five questions to Emon Surakitkoson Reading Until end of February at PalaisPopulaire: Spanish female artists from 1960 until today 3 minutes Next Five questions to Thomas Scerri

In cooperation with the Museo Helga de Alvear and the Embassy of Spain, the PalaisPopulaire presents the exhibition ESCRIBIR TODOS SUS NOMBRES. Curated by Lola Hinojosa Martínez, Head of Performing Arts and Intermedia Collection at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, the exhibition showcases a Spanish female avant-garde from 1960 to the present day that is still little known in Germany. The works presented are at the interface between art, language, writing, and abstraction.

Elena Asins, Sin título, ca. 1975 / Digital print on photo paper, 27 x 122.7 cm / Obra licenciada por el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía mediante Creative Commons  Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDereivates 4.0 International License / Photo: © Archivo Helga de Alvear | Joaquín Cortés 

At the same time, the show highlights the cultural connection between Germany and Spain. ESCRIBIR TODOS SUS NOMBRES honors a woman who has played an essential role in the field of art for this exchange in recent decades: Helga de Alvear, one of Spain’s most renowned gallery owners. All the works in the show come from her collection and will be presented afterwards in the new extension of the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear in Cáceres. Alvear was born in Germany and began collecting art in the 1960s. In 1995, she opened her own gallery in Madrid, focusing on photography, video, and installation art, which has had a significant impact on discourses on international contemporary art.

Erlea Maneros Zabala, Exercises on Abstraction. Series VI, 2019 / Offset paper exposed to sunlight,  each 90 × 60 cm / © Erlea Maneros Zabala, Photo: Archivo Helga de Alvear | Joaquín Cortés  

Susana Solano, Bura I, 2022 / Willow branches on iron construction, Height 156 cm, Ø max. 164 cm / © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022, Photo: Archivo Helga de Alvear | Joaquín Cortés

Carmen Láffon, La sal. Salinas de Bonanza, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, 2017–19 / Oil, tempera, and charcoal on wood, 153 × 280 cm / © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022,  Photo: Archivo Helga de Alvear | Joaquín Cortés   

Sarah Grilo, America Has Changed, 1967 / Oil on canvas, 133.5 × 119.5 cm / © The Estate of Sarah Grilo, Photo: Archivo Helga de Alvear | Joaquín Cortés 

Female artists: Elena Asins, Vera Chaves Barcellos, Ángela de la Cruz, Esther Ferrer, Dora García, Sarah Grilo, Cristina Iglesias, Aurèlia Muñoz, Carmen Láffon, Eva Lootz, Erlea Maneros Zabala, Soledad Sevilla, Susana Solano, Montserrat Soto, Eulàlia Valldosera.


Text/Photos: PalaisPopulaire

05.10.22 - 27.02.23



Unter den Linden 5

D-10117 Berlin

